[Rob: This post is dated; I've since gotten a Saturn and the site is much more up to speed on most of this, so please consult that, but I did update movie descriptions, where needed, as I learned about 'em]I was surprised that some El-Hazard fans actually didn't know there was a Sega Saturn game for El-Hazard.
My sketchy information on this title is that it was first published on a computer called the PC-98, a computer system only sold in Japan. Then it was rereleased on the then-popular Sega Saturn console, apparently with commentary that it was "a lot better". Therefore, having obtained the Saturn copy means I shouldn't be missing anything.
The only trick now is I don't actually own a Saturn, and Saturn emulation is too rough and buggy to operate it ... at all. So a full detication to it will have to wait until I get one. [Rob: The emulation point is still true]
In the meantime, however, it seems movies on Saturn discs is in a standard Cinepak compression format CPK, which makes CPK->AVI converters available.
I have ripped and reencoded all the movies into the same format and requirements as dictated by the
media page.
Links provided for every one starting at Movie00, proceeding to Movie04-Movie17 (no, I don't know what happened to Movie01-Movie03, they just don't exist ;p)
This movies are all-original animation specific to this bit of El-Hazard (except for #0 and possibly #6 which looks like they may have ripped the Wanderers segment for Miz's first apperance). This fact makes these
extremely cool. And I think that most of us have never seen any of these at all! (A shame it didn't do well nor get a US version)
Movie00 -- Essentially Wanderers Intro #2, with less footage and more sound effects.
Movie04 -- Makoto tinkering with something and Nanami walks up behind him
Movie05 -- Shayla Shayla intro
Movie06 -- Miz intro
? [Rob: Yes, right after kicking Sansuke butt ... as usual]
Movie07 -- Afura Mann intro
? (Dig the Jinnai graffiti in the background) [Rob: Yes, and she doesn't initially trust him neither]
Movie08 -- Intro to Ishiel, the priestess of Earth.
I wonder if there's supposed to be romancing with Fujisawa, notice how they both "click" right on, nothing like what happens with Miz in any version... [Rob: Ha! Like that would happen... ;p]
Movie09 -- Ifurita's Awakening
Movie10 --
Intro to Alielle, and look at Rune's big ... eyes. [Rob: Not intro, but she is set to be your guide]
Movie11 -- Rune junction video
(Makoto romancing?) [Rob: Well ... heh, can't quite remember where it's used anyway ;p But it's really just kind of random]
Movie12 -- The Makoto and Rune ending
Movie13 -- The Makoto and Ifurita ending
Movie14 -- The Makoto and Nanami ending
Movie15 -- Ishiel Bath Scene [Rob: Supposedly something you can just see by going to Arliman at the right time]
Movie16 -- Miz Bath Scene (likely bitching about loneliness)

[Rob: Supposedly something you can just see by going to Arliman at the right time]
Movie17 -- Drunken Shayla and Afura bath scene (doesn't seem to approve) [Rob: Supposedly something you can just see by going to Arliman at the right time]
[Rob: The following is dated. Please see the site section.]
Now, of course I'm just guessing right now until I give that mysterious all-English walkthrough a good read and actually have the console to play on. But it does seem that this is an "all-new" existance of El-Hazard (again), starting from scratch, using a lot of Wanderers, but it seems to be changing a few things too. For one, the normally ditzy black-hair Wanderers Ifurita
seems to be taking a more serious MW-esque role in this one (based solely on these videos only).
And, of course, there's an added fourth priestess who instantly dings Fujisawa, something never really seen before.
It also appears that what I'm calling (and assuming are) endings, seem to allow the player's control to come to one of several conclusions, and this effects which girl Makoto ends up with, which is a very interesting adjustment.
I'll scan the two booklets and box this thing came in, and eventually hope to have enough to give its own section. [Rob: In progress

Also, the first track of this disc doubles as an audio track, so if you put it in a CD player, its Jinnai sounding like he's calling you an idiot for putting a game disc in a CD player